Título : |
A concise introduction to Analysis |
Tipo de documento: |
texto impreso |
Autores: |
Daniel W. Stroock, Autor |
Editorial: |
Springer |
Fecha de publicación: |
2015 |
Número de páginas: |
218 páginas |
Dimensiones: |
24 centímetros |
978-3-319-24467-9 |
Idioma : |
Inglés (eng) Idioma original : Inglés (eng) |
Clasificación: |
Clasificación: |
515 S83 |
Nota de contenido: |
Analysis on the real line: Sequences, functions, series. Elements of complex analysis. Integration: Elements of Riemann integration. The fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Rate of convergence of Riemann sums. Fourier series. Riemann-Stieltjes integration. Higher dimensions: Topology in Rn. Differentiable functions in higher dimensions. Integration on curves. Ordinary differential equations. Integrations in higher dimensions: Integration over rectangles. Volume of and integration over sets. Rotation invariance of integrals. The divergence Theorem in R². A little bit of analysis function theory: The Cauchy integral formula. A few theoretical applications of Cauchy's formula. The prime number theorem. |
Link: |
https://pmb.unjbg.edu.pe/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=43430 |