Título : |
The english tradition: Nonfiction |
Tipo de documento: |
texto impreso |
Autores: |
Marjorie Wescott Barrows, Editor comercial |
Editorial: |
New York : The Macmillan Company |
Fecha de publicación: |
1968 |
Colección: |
Macmillan Literary Heritage |
Número de páginas: |
447 páginas |
Dimensiones: |
21 centímetros |
Idioma : |
Inglés (eng) Idioma original : Inglés (eng) |
Clasificación: |
Clasificación: |
823 W52 |
Nota de contenido: |
Romantic and Victorian writers. Notes on the English Character. The English Heritage: King James Bible: Psalms, The book of Ruth. The Greek Myths: The five ages of man, The fates, Atlas and Prometheus, Poseidon's nature and deeds, Midas. Past and Present: The converion of King Edwin. The last fight of the revenge. The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A journal of the plague year. London Streets. London coffeehouses. Storm and victory. London 1940. Dunkirk. Voices of Protest and Persuasion: from Utopia. from Areopagitica. from The Education of Women. A modest proposal. Work and Wages. Science in General education. Writers on writing: The Defense of poesy. Modern Fiction. Preface to Lyrical Ballads. Prefatory note to Kubla Khan. Letter to Wodsworth. On the knocking at the Gate in Macbeth. Sweetness and Light. How should one read a book? The personal view: Letter to the earl of Chesterfield. The life of Samuel Johnson. Letter to his son. Jame Boswell. Shooting an elephant. Churchill. Billy the kid. Obituary. Reflections and Impressions: A bestiary. Three essays. Pulvis et umbra. On running after one's hat. Humor and Satire: A meditation upon a Broomstick. The head-dress. The advertisement. The club. The chinese matron. A dissertation upon roast pig. How shall I word it? Selected snobberies. Televiewing. Sermons in Cats, Dogs- and Mice. Glossary of literary terms. |
Link: |
https://pmb.unjbg.edu.pe/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=43822 |