Título : |
Collier's encyclopedia |
Tipo de documento: |
texto impreso |
Autores: |
Louis Shores ; David Crawford |
Editorial: |
New York : The Crowell Collier Publishing Company |
Fecha de publicación: |
1961 |
Número de páginas: |
20 volúmenes |
Dimensiones: |
28 centímetros |
Idioma : |
Inglés (eng) Idioma original : Inglés (eng) |
Clasificación: |
Clasificación: |
R 036 C |
Nota de contenido: |
The theme of the end papers: The early use of fire. The use of the wheel. The development of weaving. The building of the pyramids of Egypt. Moses receives the Ten Commandements. Confucius, one of the great moral philosophers. Hippocrates, the father of scientific medicine. Athens, the cradle of Western culture. Early exploration. The birth of Christ. Medieval culture in Europe. King John signing the Magna Carta. The introduction of gunpowder to European warfare. Gutenberg and the invention of printing by movable type. Copernicus and the modern concept of the universe. The discovery of the new world by Columbus. William Shakespeare. The Declaration of Independence. The Industrial Revolution. Samuel F.B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph. Thomas A. Edison and the first electric light. The Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk. The development of radio communication. The coming of the Atomic Age.
V.3: Bank to Brush. V.4: Brush Turkey to Chinchilla. V.5: Chinchow to cyclopes. V.6: Cyclops to Endocrinology. V.7: Endymion to Fort Wayne. V.8: Fort William to Great Falls. V.9: Great Lakes to Inca. V.10: Incense cedar to Jetbead. V.12: Litany to Metazoa. V.13: Metchnikoff to Nebraska. V.15: Palatinate to Princeton University. V.17: San Francisco to Stuttgart. V.18: Stuyvesant to United Spanish. V.19: United States to Zwolle. V.20: Bibliography and Index. |
Link: |
https://pmb.unjbg.edu.pe/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=36149 |