Título : |
The adventures of Tom Sawyer : unabridged |
Tipo de documento: |
texto impreso |
Autores: |
Mark Twain, Autor |
Editorial: |
New York : Dover Publications, Inc. |
Fecha de publicación: |
1998 |
Número de páginas: |
184 páginas |
Dimensiones: |
21 centímetros |
978-0-486-40077-8 |
Idioma : |
Inglés (eng) Idioma original : Inglés (eng) |
Clasificación: |
Clasificación: |
818.46 Au |
Nota de contenido: |
Tom Sawyer evokes the world of boy-hood in ninetheenth century rural America. In this classic story Mark Twain recreated a long-ago world of freshly whitewashed fences and Sunday school picnics into which sordid characters and violent incidents sometimes intruded. The tale powerfully appeals to both adult nostalgia and young imaginations. Readers explore this memorable setting with a slyly humorous born storyteller as their guide. |
Link: |
https://pmb.unjbg.edu.pe/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=43963 |